
Thank You to the Street Cleaner

Commuting on a bicycle has given me a whole new appreciation for the people who clean the streets. Having a clean road to ride on makes the commute so much safer and easier. So far, I have seen the street cleaner on my route 4 times. Each time, I sit up, wave my entire arm, and yell "Thank you." I'm sure the guy driving the machine can't hear me, but I wonder if he understands what I'm trying to tell him. I sure hope so.



It's been a tad bit, I know, but I do have an update. Finn's results came back and his tumor is benign. Thank goodness. It hasn't been all rosy, though, as his wound (it's about 2.5 inches in length) dehisced, leading to infection, emergency vet fees, and the like. Ugh...But, he has gotten the drain out, and (I hope) he'll be getting his sutures and staples out next Wednesday. He's slowly returning to his normal self, so I think we're on the road to recovery.

I also made it through my first series of exams. I got an 85/100 on the first organic chemistry exam, and the results are still pending for my physics exam.

I also did my first cyclocross race of the year. I got last in the field, but I felt pretty good when I was done. I definitely have some work to do to get my fitness up, but I also had fun. Here's a picture of a part of the course that scared me initially, and I rode it during every lap of the race.