
People Watching

Flying back to Seattle today. I have a long layover in Minneapolis, so I'm getting an opportunity to do something I love. People watching. My first memory of this is sitting with my dad on the beach in the fall. They'd pushed the sand up into big dunes for the winter. The beach isn't as busy, but it's my favorite time at the beach. It's cooler, there aren't as many people, and it seems more peaceful to me. It's also the time when some interesting people come to the beach. My first experience with people watching was complete.

Flying always leads to some entertaining times people watching. So far, a couple of stories are standing out.

First, in the restroom, with a mom and her daughter in the 2 stalls next to mine. The girl is screaming at her mom because the toilet paper is apparently stuck in the holder and she can't get any out. The mom is telling her to hold on. The girl keeps screaming, and the mom keeps telling her to hold on until she's finished. Then, the screaming ceases. The girl picked up the toilet paper scraps from the floor, and then told her mom that she didn't need help anymore.

Now, I'm sitting in the airport, drawing all sorts of looks and comments as people see my cat sitting next to me in the concourse. It's very entertaining. Traveling with animals in tow has drawn some interesting comments, looks, etc. The couple sitting next to me on this last flight were enthralled with my cat and even more amazed that I had a dog along. The woman was also apparently in the restroom with me, as she kept telling me that she thought she heard a cat meowing, but couldn't believe there'd be one there. A family of 4 just came up and petted my cat through her carrier. The little boy told me all about his gray kitty at home that would grow up to be just like mine.

Did you know that there's a bike cop in the airport? I've never seen a bike cop inside an airport before. He keeps riding past, on the carpet, weaving in and out of the masses.

And, to clear up some alarm and misunderstanding regarding the ER topic from the last post...First, my dad is fine. No need to worry. The misunderstanding is regarding my last ER visit with my parents prior to this last excursion. That's either when I broke my wrist or passed out from dehydration. I've been to the ER on my own since. Twice, I think, now that I'm thinking about. Once 3 years ago for abdominal pain in which I learned first hand the wonders of lidocaine and once a couple of months ago for accidental exposure at work in which I got trach secretions in my eye. Say it with me, people...Nasty.

Good things can happen in ER visits, and that will be a story for another time...


Some Firsts and Two Questions

It's been an interesting trip back home thus far, full of new and exciting adventures, good, not-so-good, and indifferent. A not all inclusive list includes:

- The first flight I've taken on my own, Seattle to St. Louis with a layover in Minneapolis/St. Paul. I didn't do it the easy way, but I definitely did it the story telling way. My first flight on my lonesome, and I did it with my cat and dog in tow. The cat flew in the cabin in her carrier under the seat. The dog flew with my luggage. A very scared dog. He was shaking when I dropped him off, and he was still shaking when I picked him up at the other end. Poor puppy.

- My first speeding ticket. Coming back from visiting friends in Iowa, I got pulled over doing 78 in a 65. The state trooper asks, "Is there any justifiable reason?" So, my question for anyone reading this...Is there a justifiable reason for speeding and what is it?

- My first visit to the ER with my parents. Not when I was in need of medical attention, but when my dad was. Interesting having those positions reversed. The last time we went to the ER was either when I broke my wrist sliding into 3rd base or when I passed out from being dehydrated. I can't remember which one was last. Last night, we went because my dad couldn't breathe. He's doing fine, but definitely a different position to be in, taking your parent to the ER.

- My first visit to the tattoo studio with the intention of getting a tattoo. I've been to my share of studios already as I have my share of piercings. Never a tattoo. I've always been very hesitant to get a tattoo. The whole permanent thing was just too much for me. Now, I have an idea that I'm comfortable with, is original, and something I'm ok with being on my body permanently. I went with my friend who is no stranger to the tattoo studios and is friends with the tattoo artist. We talked about my idea, I got approval for the general idea, and we started talking about the details. The question he wanted to know..."Am I a girly girl or butch?" To those who know me, I'm curious. How would you answer that question?

Those are the firsts and questions that I'm sharing tonight. Enjoy, and let me know the answers to those 2 questions.



My assignment in Oregon is winding quickly to a close. Which means I have one full day of work left and less than 48 hours to pack all my worldly belongings into my car, ship things to my folks, clean my apartment, and say goodbye to life as I've known it for the last 4 months. Odd. It's a strange job, this traveling gig. Have I mentioned that I have hardly packed a thing?



Sometimes, songs just strike a chord. This week, I've had an interesting encounter with my past, and this song has stuck with me all week. It's from the Indigo Girls.

Let Me Go Easy
Come pleasure me again. I'm so tired of digging in.
I've done my share, don't need to win, just let me go easy.
For two years my body fights. At this point it don't seem right.
Just to do it out of spite and keep hanging on.
Go on let me go easy.
Won't you let me go easy, you let me go right now.
I see the numbers dwindling, of my enemies and my friends.
And still I know it never ends, so I'm passing you this torch.
Fight the greed and the federals. Fight the need and the toxic spills.
Drink from that wishing well, but may it never quench your thirst.
Let me go easy.Go on let me go easy.
Won't you let me go easy,you let me go right now.
Let me go easy.Go on let me go easy.
Won't you let me go easy,you let me go right now.
So when you get to Ladenville, 'fore the tears and the fare thee wells,
for a moment stand real still and you'll feel me moving on.
You go ahead with your plans, you won't be seeing me again,
but you'll feel me in the hand, the hand that holds the plough.
Let me go easy.Go on let me go easy.
Won't you let me go easy,you let me go right now.
Let me go easy.Go on let me go easy.
Won't you let me go easy,you let me go right now.