
31 things to do before 32

1. learn to sew

2. purchase a pair of rain boots

3. complete a yoga teacher training

4. start a stranger project (www.100strangers.com)

5. take a photograph every single day

6. practice yoga daily

7. eat golden tomato sauce made with produce from my garden

8. apply for senior

9. race my bike

10. send mailart

11. plant bulbs in the fall

12. own a bike with a basket

13. turn my photographs into postcards

14. go to a tulip festival

15. paint the two bedrooms

16. take an overnight bike tour

17. be a guerilla artist

18. fill a jar with positive affirmations

19. host a game night

20. pick apples in the fall

21. learn to knit flowers

22. attend at least 5 live performances

23. become a pet partner with finn through the delta society

24. build a snowman

25. learn 2 new constellations

26. volunteer with big brothers/big sisters

27. play in the leaves

28. ride my bike to the berry farm and pick berries to bring home

29. finally open a flickr account. done

30. learn to crochet

31. pick fresh flowers

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