

Honesty is the best policy.

Or, is it?

I worked today. My first patient was an evaluation of this little old lady who fell and has dementia. She was scared, nervous, and painful. She didn't want to move or get out of bed because of her pain. We'd move a little bit, she'd cry, and I'd distract her by asking about something completely not related to what I wanted her to do. It's a great little technique I've used with success for people who have dementia and don't remember from one minute to the next.

Today, this lady had fallen and beaten herself up pretty badly, but didn't break anything, cut anything, or need surgery. As I was moving her around, I noticed she had blood all over her fingers and couldn't figure out why she would, so I asked.

"What happened to your fingers? You have blood all over them."

She replies, "It's from picking my nose."

Sometimes, there's things you just don't want to know.

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