
A Stick, A Carrot, and One Check

I rode my bike into town on Friday (ah, a day off...) and ran a bunch of errands.

Yes, I rode my bike to town. Yes, I did my errands on a bike and carried my purchases home on said bike. Yes, a bike can be a viable alternative to your automobile. What's this all about?

The US House of Representatives approved an energy conservation bill that includes, among other things, a tax break of $20 per month for bike commuters, which takes effect at the beginning of next year.

The vote on HR 2776 was largely split along party lines, and was preceded by inspired testimony from Congressman Patrick McHenry, a Republican representing the 10th District in North Carolina.

Here's McHenry, as quoted in the Congressional Record:

A major component of the Democrats' energy legislation and the Democrats' answer to our energy crisis is, hold on, wait one minute, wait one minute, it is promoting the use of the bicycle.

Oh, I cannot make this stuff up. Yes, the American people have heard this. Their answer to our fuel crisis, the crisis at the pumps, is: Ride a bike.

Democrats believe that using taxpayer funds in this bill to the tune of $1 million a year should be devoted to the principle of: "Save energy, ride a bike.'' Some might argue that depending on bicycles to solve our energy crisis is naive, perhaps ridiculous. Some might even say Congress should use this energy legislation to create new energy, bring new nuclear power plants on line, use clean coal technology, energy exploration, but no, no. They want to tell the American people, stop driving, ride a bike. This is absolutely amazing.

Apparently, the Democrats believe that the miracle on two wheels that we know as a bicycle will end our dependence on foreign oil. I cannot make this stuff up. It is absolutely amazing.

Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you the Democrats, promoting 19th century solutions to 21st century problems. If you don't like it, ride a bike. If you don't like the price at the pumps, ride a bike.

Stay tuned for the next big idea for the Democrats: Improving energy efficiency by the horse and buggy.

He's so proud of this that he even posted a video on his website.

So, a stick to Congressman Patrick McHenry and what a shame he's not in my state to vote him straight out of office.

On the other hand, a carrot to all who put together the concert Friday night downtown. It was phenomenal, as it always seems to be when Orquesta de Jazz y Salsa Alto Maiz plays. They're better known as Alto Maiz and they had the entire downtown dancing to the salsa beat. I left after dancing the evening away, grinning ear to ear. What an incredible night. Catch a bit of their music here. Props, kudos, and a big hand to Alto Maiz and all who organized that night.

Then, I wrapped up the weekend with trip to the Iowa State Fair. Did you know that the Iowa State Fair is listed in the book "1000 Places to See Before You Die" and that it's the only Iowa destination and the country's only state fair listed? Hmmm...I had no idea. Not sure what to make of that one.

But, for the mind-boggling and laughing til tears were rolling down our faces quote that came out of this little road trip, I have to share. It's early and my friend and I were heading out for the day when my roommate (who was talking on the phone with her boyfriend) had a strange request. "Jim wants you to take a picture of the world's largest boar penis." Okkkaaaaayyyyyy.

"Excuse me, sir, can you tell me where the world's largest boar penis is? I have to take a picture for my roommate's boyfriend."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe Patrick Mchenry should should stop screaming about a bike ride and tell everyone what exactly is in his closet......

And believe me, he wants to run for higher office, so you might just have to vote against him oneday.