
Utter Decadence and a Bit More

I've felt spoiled of late. In the past week, I've
  • gotten my SLR camera back from repair (It's like having a brand new toy after being without it for months. I love the feel of it, the weight of it in my hands. Oh, the ability to control my images again! Sadly missing in my pocket point and shoot camera. Ahhhh.)
  • built up an old pink bike frame as a single speed and tricked it out with blue handlebars, a blue chain, and spokey dokes (Having a combo of friends with ties to the industry in some way or another, I got everything and built it for under 85 bucks! My sweet new commuter bike.)
  • bought myself a feather bed. This last one takes the cake for my week of luxurious self-indulgence. I just got tired of my hip bones being rubbed raw every night from sleeping on the foam mattress on my futon. The feather bed has solved that problem, and I've had to drag myself out of bed every morning since.
Moving on to my genius (sarcasm, folks) stories for the day...

This news article must win an award for highlighting people's stupidity. It surely made me chuckle in disbelief.

Finally, which would you rather have for your spouse? The one who noticed that her spouse was having a stroke in the morning, went out for breakfast at a local pancake house, and then took him to the emergency room OR the one who stepped over his spouse after she had tripped in the entrance for the store and fallen, breaking her hip, continued shopping and let the store employees and patrons call the ambulance and take her to the hospital?

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