
"What? You can't afford a coat with sleeves?"

It was a little cold the other morning as my dog and I headed out for our morning run. Probably in the upper 30's. Not bad. It was supposed to be in the 60's for the day. A crisp autumn start for the morning. A couple of people were actually warming up their cars before going to work. I didn't think it was that cold.

I took my dog out once again before leaving for the day. Still a little chilly. I could see my breath. I grabbed a vest before making the daily jaunt to work. I didn't think it was that cold.

I walk into the office at work with my hands wrapped around a steaming cup of chai.

"What? You can't afford a coat with sleeves?" was how I was greeted to start the work day.

I laugh and look at a coworker who also hails from a colder climate. She shakes her head. These California boys...They don't even come out of the house if it's below freezing.

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