

I have some of the best friends I could ever hope to have. After this weekend, and the time spent with some of my friends who have known me the longest, this realization hit me hard as I was driving home from the weekend with them.

To Pomeranian, Portobello, Portico, and Palomino,
Thank you all for a wonderful weekend, many laughs, and complete relaxation (even though I'm utterly exhausted) among true friends and a reminder of how truly lucky I am to have your friendship.

To my antisocial best friend,
I never see enough of, but who lets me come over with whole piles of dirty laundry, asks no questions, and gives me fun stuff. I'm hoping I actually get to see you a bunch this summer at the races around...

To my traveler companions,
Thank for exploring the west with me. For your support in ways I’m not even sure you realize or I can begin to explain. You have helped me heal, learn, and grow in so many ways this past year. I’ll see you soon, and then it’s your turn to visit me!

To my IC gal,
For the pizzas, pints of Ben and Jerry’s, many rides, listening, helping me escape, and helping me find a new place. I will see you soon, and we can do it all some more...

Thanks to all of you and, to those who aren't mentioned, I promise you are not forgotten. Thank you as well.

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