

Story #1

I'm riding my bike along the country road leading to my house after a couple hour ride, anxious for a shower and starving for some food, when I notice a guy pointing a rifle in my direction. I slammed on my brakes, almost catapulting myself over the handlebars. I don't recall exactly what I yelled (and it probably couldn't be printed here anyhow), but it really doesn't matter. Isn't there some sort of law about guns that makes this whole situation illegal???

Story #2

I was on my way out of a store after purchasing dog food when I saw a sight that is still disturbing me. I had turned around towards the cashier that was behind me as that was the way towards my car. The cashier was talking to this overweight guy and gal. The girl was dressed in a denim miniskirt, a tank top, and flip flops. As soon as I turned around, this girl propped her leg up onto the counter, showing my forever sorry eyes and the whole world her crotch. Classy...

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